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Most big things, which began as tourist traps found along major roads between destinations, are now something of a cult phenomenon, and sometimes used as an excuse for a road trip!  Today, many are considered works of folk art and have been heritage-listed.

Which side of the Yarra you live on speaks volumes - or does it?    <<Click image for Kew.   Click text here to Read article on 'net>>


The diversity of the many painted walls of Fitzroy is a tourist draw card, but don't limit yourself to just noticing street art, as multifaceted Fitzroy is full of character.

Enjoying the sights, smells and flavours of Australia’s unique garden attractions.>>

<<Werribee Park Mansion

Life on the Yarra

Bring the river to life with stories of Melbourne’s past. From pristine river to the changes made to its flow over the last 177 years. Early pioneers, treaties with the indigenous tribes, lunatic asylums, and much more..

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Tourism Victoria: "The overall concept for this campaign was the dreamy discovery of Melbourne by a girl who tracks her way through the notorious little laneways and mysterious corners by rolling a ball of string"

Melbourne prides itself on its multicultural lifestyle, social spaces and strong sporting tradtion.

Mosaics at the Pipemakers Park, Maribyrnong

Rupertswood Mansion, Sunbury - Birthplace of the Ashes

Jan Mitchell’s (1940–2008) Waterfront Bollards are made out of huge wooden pylons, many recovered from the Yarra Street Pier which was destroyed by fire .

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